
Ring kite

Kite crash

Kite crash


July 2007   August 2007  

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Bell Kite Project Blog

I am building a huge kite inspired by Alexander Graham Bell's historical models.  

Test Flight

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Today the kite finally got off the ground. Thanks to the help of Eileen, Catia, Gabe, and Sachiko, I managed to get the kite in the air for a few seconds. The beast that I've been working on so much actually took to the air.

Of course it soon crashed. First I ran it into a basketball backboard, and later when we moved to a soccer field it harmlessly crashed on the grass. A couple bamboo spars broke and covers ripped, but the kite survived mostly intact.

Even though it wasn't able to fly very well I was still quite happy. For one thing, I was able to stand far enough back from the kite to confirm that it looks like a telephone. Also I think with more wind, larger spreaders, and better bridling it might fly reasonably well.

Now the kite's packed up in the back of the rental car awaiting our departure tomorrow morning.

IT certainly looks like a phone and like a dream too!!!!
Feeling so stupid to ahve missed it!
Why packing? Going where???
Travel safely! Wishing you much wind and clear weather for your launch! Best of luck!
That looks awesome! Good luck!
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